
Victorious Church exists and can do what we do only because of the faithfulness and generosity of our members and supporters who freely give of their time, talents and financial support. At our church, giving is done out of a thankful and cheerful heart for the benefit of those we minister to, our community and to support those in the mission field.

Beside from giving to the collection during our services you are able to give the following ways.
Giving by direct deposit
BSB: 105 035
Account Number: 043 085 940
Reference: Please indicate the purpose of your gift e.g. tithe, love offering, missions, building fund.

Giving by cheque
Please make cheques out to ‘Victorious Church Inc’ and mail to Victorious Church, PO Box 1766 Renmark, SA 5341. Please include a short note to let us know the purpose of your gift e.g. tithe, love offering, missions, building fund.